Monday, November 3, 2008

How will African Americans vote?

The color of Barack Obama’s skin will not be the only reason African American voters show up to vote for him on November 4th. Despite his deracialized campaign strategy and an unsure future for the Black Agenda in what is likely to become a Obama presidency, one thing is for sure—Obama’s economic platform is much more benign to the African American population than rival John McCain’s.

In the face of an unforgiving and troubling economy, African Americans will show up to the polls on Nov 4th with their pocketbooks in mind. As a troubling year, and many failed policies come to an end, it will be no surprise that blacks will show up to vote for Obama, not only because he is black, but to ensure their financial interests.

African American’s suffer a 24.2 percent poverty rate, 3 times the white poverty rate. Moreover, with an average family income of $32,132, Black families earn lower than both whites and Hispanics. In fact, the white family annual income average hovers at 1.6 times the African American average. This discrepancy has been something that has never been cured, and increased during the past Republican administration after the gap was narrowed in the 90s.

Thus, it is evident it is evident that the majority of Blacks will favor Obama’s tax plans as it favors them in return. Most importantly, the Obama tax plan will cut taxes by a rate of 8 times the McCain tax cuts for most Black families. Furthermore, the Obama plan offers additional tax breaks to lower income families through a 50% credit for child care expenses. A $4000 college credit in exchange for community service will also be favored by Black families struggling to send their kids to college. In addition, Barack’s initiative to raise the minimum wage by over two dollars will also help garner him votes. The substantial pros for the average Black family that would come from an Obama presidency should add to the list of things that will help win the Black vote.

Moreover, Barack Obama will be much more favorable to the 20.3% of African Americans who lack health insurance. At a number double that of whites, Blacks who lack health insurance and are who struggling to keep it, will most likely show up to vote for Obama. Considering that Obama’s healthcare plan is much more to the average Black man, who hold more jobs that refuse to give healthcare, it is likely that Black constituents will respond positively to his initiatives to provide subsidies that increase with lower incomes, mandate insurance for children, penalize employers who fail to provide insurance, and promote private healthcare. With such leverage on the healthcare issue, it will be no surprise (in addition to many other things) that the majority of Blacks vote for Obama.

Obama undoubtedly holds most (if not all the cards) when it comes to minorities and the economy. Both his tax plans and healthcare plans heavily favor the hurting minorities in comparison to McCain’s. Thus it is very likely that Obama wins the Black vote after we topple his minority favoring economic policies to his long list of minority favored qualifications and policies.

For further reading:

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